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Capacitors that can take the heat

New Way To Build Capacitors for High Temperatures

Electronic components that can operate at ambient temperatures of 125°C or above can readily be obtained, which is adequate even for harsh environments, including factory floors or inside motor vehicles. However, that won’t cut it if an application is being built that needs to operate in a truly harsh arena where far higher temperatures are present, such as deep in a mineshaft, in a welding application, or even on-board a satellite in orbit.

Recent work at the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems IMS, spearheaded by scientist Dorothee Dietz, has unveiled capacitors that can tolerate temperatures of up to 300°C. A fortuitous side-benefit of the research is that the capacitors produced exhibit lowered leakage current.  Read more...

Reference: Electronic Products
                   Gary Elinoff